BITbyBITsoftware group LCC proudly presents a new update of SDK browser. The new release of SDK Browser is updated and built for the latest AmigaOS4 SDK, support for 64-BIT Filesystems and is optimized for the new released AmigaOS4.1 final edition update 1. The SDK Browser provides any Amiga Programmer a quick reference tool into the live AmigaOS4 SDK installation on your AmigaONE, via a 100% graphical based tool. It can help you find the format for any AmigaOS4 system call as well as lookup a specific structure reference, method, tag item, what-have-you, quicker than any other tool. Or, you can simply use it as a great way to wander through the AmigaOS4 development documentation (AutoDocs, Includes, etc.) to learn more about how to program for this great machine and its powerful operating system.
news source: bitbybitsoftwaregroup.com / image source: Pixabay