The Commodore Amiga 3000, is a Home Computer released by Commodore in June 1990. The Amiga 3000 was an extremely advanced, high-speed Home Computer. Incorporating all the unique features of earlier Amiga computers, the A3000 offerd a high-speed microprocessor, a numeric coprocessor, and additional input and output features for significantly enhanced computing speed and versatility. The A3000 was remarkably sophisticated and powerful for its time of release. It featured improved processing speed, improved graphics rendering, and a new revision of the Amiga operating system. The A3000 was shipped with two types of random access memory (RAM). This memory includes Fast RAM (memory available for basic computing functions, such as data processing), and Chip RAM (memory available primarily for tasks involving graphics and sound). The A3000 motherboard could accommodate up to a total of 18 MB of RAM on the motherboard. The A3000 was an open-architecture machine and internal expansion slots are upwardly compatible with Amiga 2000 expansion cards, while offering increased performance for new devices developed specifically for the A3000. These expansion slots allowed a wide variety of specialized circuit cards. The central processing unit of the A3000 was a Motorola 68030 microprocessor with clock speeds of either 25 or 16 MHz. An enhanced version, the Amiga 3000+, with the AGA chipset and an AT&T DSP3210 signal processing chip was produced to prototype stage in 1991. Although this system was never released, instead of the Amiga 3000+, Commodore replaced it with the A4000 in 1992. Commodore also released the A3000UX a variant bundled with the UNIX System V operating system. Commodore also sold a towerized variant called the A3000T.
news source: Wikipedia / image source: Thomas Koch / watch on Youtube