A new motion from Amiga Inc., Itec and Amino asks for a partial summary judgment on two of…
Month: March 2021
Holiday Lemmings: full of psychotic snowmen and icy precipices
They’re small, they’re cute and this time they’re dressed up as miniature Father Christmases, complete with…
Lure of the Temptress: A classic Amiga adventure game
The plot to Lure of the Temptress is predictable fair-tale stuff, but it has a liberal dose of…
GnGeo: Powerfull NeoGeo emulator for Vampire
GnGeo is a powerfull W.I.P NeoGeo emulation package optimized for Vampire accelerators or V4 standalone. The…
Backdrop Pattern Generator 1.6 released
With ‘Backdrop Pattern Generator’ you can easily create you’re own backdrops for Amiga Workbench. No special…
New enhanced AmigaOS 4.1 release of SDL2
Simple DirectMedia Layer is a cross-platform development library designed to provide low level access to audio,…
AmiSSL 4.8 Released: offers important security fixes
Version 4.8 of the AmiSSL library for Amiga based operating systems is released. Version 4.8 is…
30 Years ago Commodore launched the CDTV
The CDTV debuted in North America in March 1991. It was one of the first systems…
AmiKit XE release for Pi 4 is scheduled for end March 2021
AmiKit is a compilation of 420 installed and configured Amiga programs running on multiple operating system thanks to the integrated emulator.…
New Final Writer update is making progress
Final Writer was arguably the best word processor on the Amiga platform. Offering amazing features and…
Sonic the Hedgehog is making its way to Amiga
it’s hard to believe that Sonic the Hedgehog is nearly 30 years old. Racing onto the Sega Genesis in…
Amiga Forever 9 Released: Official & improved Amiga emulation package
Cloanto Proudly released Amiga Forever 9, Cloanto is the current official company behind the Commodore and…
March 1992: The first mini computer concept ever is released by Commodore
The A600 is Commodore’s final model based on the Motorola 68000 CPU and the ECS chipset. It is essentially a redesign…