A few years after the original Chuck Rock adventure, Chuck has been kidnapped. Now it’s up to his son to grab a club and rescue his cave-dwelling daddy from certain doom at the hands of bad guy Gary Gritter. Read on to find out if you’ll be dumping this in a steaming heap of dino dung or if you’ll be chuck-ling along with the decidedly lowbrow antics of the ugly spawn of Chuck’s bristly, stinking, loins. The first thing that’ll hit anyone playing Chuck Rock 2 will be the fact that the graphics are stunning. Detailed platforms and really well animated enemies will provide a few smiles to even the most hardened Amiga owner. Tiny details such a eyes peering from holes in the earth below to birds resting on power lines, and even the numerous guises the enemies come in, some are dressed as dinosaurs while others are wearing living furry creatures on their noggins as wigs that attack you when you attack their owners!

A fine effort on behalf of core and miles better than the backgroundless vacums of the orginal Chuck Rocks world. Funky jungle sounds and cheery platform typicalities are abundant throughout but there’s nothing truly offensive in here. The sound effects are nice and chunky too and the sound of mini-Chuck’s club connecting with the skull meat of an enemy cave dweller sounds nice and crunch and satisfying. There are a few ambient affects to be had but nothing outstanding. All in all it’s a great effort and it comes together like a juicy tune bomb that’ll have you tapping your feet along with your thumbs. Chuck Rock II: Son of Chuck is something worth replaying using WinUAE or Amiga Forever 7 and offcourse a real Commodore Amiga!
news source: AF/AP/CU/AC / image source: GenerationAmiga / watch on Youtube / download Chuck Rock II