Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves marks series return after more than 20 years

The famous SNK’s Neo Geo fighting series are back, as Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves gets a first teaser trailer. SNK’s Neo Geo Fatal Fury series is a popular and influential fighting game franchise that started in the early 90s. The first game (Fatal Fury: King of Fighters, 1991) in the series introduced players to the city of South Town and the Bogard brothers, Terry and Andy, who set out to rescue their friend Joe Higashi’s kidnapped fiancée. The game featured a two-plane battle system, allowing characters to move between the foreground and background. The sequel, Fatal Fury 2 expanded the playable characters and refined the gameplay mechanics. It also introduced stages with multiple levels of elevation, adding more depth to the fights. The series enjoyed huge popularity and over 6 more new Fatal Fury games got released during the 90s. It is currently unknown when and what platforms the Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves will be released on, however, the game is confirmed to run on Unreal Engine 4.

new source: Youtube

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