The AAA bundle of A-EON Technology part of the ‘Early Adopter Program’ is sold out at Amiga retailer AmigaKit. Every single owner of the AAA bundle will get the chance to sign up for a Tabor motherboard as part of the ‘Early Adopter Program’. Early adopters are promised a special introductory offer price. The PowerPC based AmigaOne A1222 will be for sale between €400 and €500. The AmigaOne A1222 is based on a Freescale QorIQ P1022 32-bit e500v2 dual-core PowerPC processor. This is essentially the little brother of the new AmigaOne X5000 machines. The board will offer gigabit Ethernet and two SATA 2.6 controllers, as well as two internal and two external USB ports, and the x16 PCIe connector supports RadeonHD cards, which are the general target graphics boards for AmigaOS 4.x. There’s on-board sound and basic HMDI 1.3 graphics output up to 1080. The release has been postponed because of several driver issues, a new release date has not been announced by A-EON Technology. However, a general public launch is expected by Q3/2020.
news source: Amigaworld.net / image source: Pixabay